
Orthodox Today Argentina is home to around 250,000 Jews, making it the sixth largest Jewish community in the world, and the biggest in Latin ...

Sicily Border Land

Sicily Border Land In 1787, during his first trip to Italy, Goethe wrote that "without seeing Sicily one cannot get an idea of Italy. ...

The suspended city

The suspended city: Roma in the Covid age They say that Rome is beautiful, so deserted. But it's not true. It seems like a ...

Off Argentina

Off Argentina Off Argentina is a work about  the recent crisis of the Latin country. The neoliberal policies of the President Macri drove Argentina ...

Adios Fidel

Adios Fidel Fidel Castro died the 25 November 2016 at age of 90. He ruled over Cuba for nearly five decades, until handing off ...

Cruz del Sur

Cruz del Sur Viene el hombre ciego al mundo, cuartiándolo la esperanza, y a poco andar ya lo alcanzan las desgracias a empujones; ¡la ...

Habana Cruda

Habana Cruda The project depicts a "raw" Cuba, stripped of its most beautiful and attractive colors in order to snatch its essence of disappointment, ...

Sacred Land

Sacred Land From 1964 to 1992 the US oil giant Chevron dumped billions of gallons of highly carcinogenic toxic wastewater into the rainforest and ...

Way Out Miami

Way Out Miami It seems to walk in Babylon, Miami is a hub of cultural and linguistic ties between North America, South America and the Caribbean, this ...